You’re sharing your time — you take me along
You’re spreading your wings — keep singing my songs
Who would have known — I’m part of your life
Connected through sound — our spirit inside
Hope I will see you — again and again
Until then I’m your — invisible friend
We’ve come together — who knows when again
Can’t stay forever — to hold all your hands
The unwritten language — the bridge to your heart
It can’t take you hostage — helps healing our scars
Intensifies sadness — intensifies love
It often can save you — from falling apart
The rhythm transporting — the beat of our time
The melody calling — from deep down inside
This very moment — you’re not alone
The purest dimension — lies deep in your soul
Christopher says
Enoch was assumed into heaven alive he never died
The was transformed into Metatron his duty was to record as he did in first person. Angels incarnated on the earth then as they do now. The prophecy of Daniel 12 At the end time the great prince Michael will RISE to defend his people.
wonde says
God bless
Ethiopians to preserving the complete version of the forbidden book of Enoch among their bible.
Landon says
This is interesting. There’s a legend in my family that we are descended from angels. I’ve been wanting to look more into it. These seem to be an interesting place to start.
Chris says
Hitler also believed he was descended from a race which came about through the intermarriage of angels (fallen angels). Turns out he wasn’t, and i’ll hazard a guess that you’re not either. If you are like 8 or 9 feet tall with two rows of teeth and 6 fingers on each hand, I may retract that statement.
T says
When I was a small young man I met Jesus a door way into anouther dimension opened and he stood there I played with a young girl who I did not know in a field full of flowers and as a young child I picked some of those flowers and that seemed to upset him because they represented mankind and they were not ready to be picked he told me when the time was right I would sound the trumpet to his return so when I awoke I grabbed my uncles trumpet and tried to sound it I ended up with a bloody mouth I have never tried to sound a trumpet since I’m 58 hope he comes soon.
solarisquartz says
The supreme knowledge of manifestations on earth through the truth of universal principles.
gerry reis says
concious small still voice tells you;dnt ya think;a thousand years is like a day;wow;i think god has his redemtive plan; as does satan;what are u gonna do ;wiht all this knowledge;crystalls do communicate;such as harrp;gd day; pagans ruin all;gerry self righteous gain .pride;galatians 5;22 seek;;;;;;;;;
denny says
@ 1:57 in the video above, it reads that the illuminati wrote a book in the 70’s called Atlas Shrug…that was written by Ayn Rand.and it’s called Atlas Shrugged..
Oscar says
Your sources are intriguing. Maybe even true. But the youtube video at the end of your site is disturbing. It is full of unsupported information and anti feminism. This is true evil.
Solar says
Much prefer the research about the Essenes the brighter side of reality is much better for hope if realities are truly the desire of the supreme manifestation on earth.
brenda says
So much to comprehend, one can look at all these different things and come to many conclusions. Us to be as food, or why tell part and not all, why allow one to speak in quatrains? Why no one else has the intellect ??? There are many questions for us, I do not think we die and that is the end. I have not all the things I would need to give a intelligent answer—we have been given just a TIP. A TIP ALL of the universe and to think we are alone, does the books speak of this–no……
Blanca says
If the Flood was God’s way of destroying all the giants, then why were they still around afterward? We’ve got the story of Goliath from the Old Testament that proves giants escaped the Flood. Either there were giants on the Ark, God’s Flood was weak and ineffectual, or the giants were beamed away to a waiting spaceship to cool their heels until the waters receded.
Or, you know, this whole thing could be a collection of Bronze Age mythology, rather than a true record of factual events. It’s funny how all of the inherent problems just go away, if you view it in that light.
Jason says
The best thing that could happen is at a certain time in history all sacred knowledge should be made available to all those that desire that knowledge and above the grasps of deceit as prophecy would have for the kingdom of heaven truly resides in the collective just some choose the worst way to get anywhere.
Kevin Waldeman says
There are a great many connections between the book of Enoch and the New Testament, and considering that the evidence shows that it existed long before the time of Christ, I believe that it’s worth a closer look.
J.a says
Fascinating documents to get as close as you can to the original story what could ever be so worthy to make its place in the history of our past not to be confused for the reason of logic.
Gordon Lawrence says
Utter nonsense. I have read Tertulian, Philo, Justin Martyr, Iraneus and Origen amongst other Jewish writers extenively for my theology degree and have found no mention of enoch.
give me some citations and i will check them.
Conspiracy Cat says
Enoch is mention in the Bible, or did it slip your mind?
Ab Asaff says
For what it may be worth Martha.
The encounters and writings of Enoch are much less ambiguous than that of a lot of the Biblical Scriptures, Nostradamus and deciphered Sumerian tablets. After a long time studying this subject I will briefly summarize my conclusion.
It appears to me that highly evolved benevolent extraterrestrials came to this planet hundreds of thousands of years ago and decided to make an intelligent creative being out of the most advanced being which was the evolutionary dead end off shoot of the chimp. It was the hunched over animalistic ignorant cave man that had the potential to become a humanoid self aware creative entity worthy of a conscious divine soul to incarnate into.
The extraterrestrials made the decision to take the initiative and transform the lowly ignorant man- animal into a complete upright thinking man. Apparently, according to certain Eastern religious texts, there were a number of tries and failures over long periods of time which created profane and hideous entities. After brief evolutionary trial periods that proved fruitless, each entity in their turn was destroyed until the perfected human was finally accomplished. This was all done via DNA integration and manipulation and the final product was a conscious physically beautiful human race that we are.
Over the ages, many different extraterrestrial have visited this planet for various reasons. Most have avoided direct contact with us while a few have interacted with humans mostly in a subtle way as they knew we were the providence of high spiritual creators. As I understand it, a group of egotistical extraterrestrials known to our progenitors visited earth and were struck by the beauty of the human race and took of their women thus creating another type of human that was not suppose to be. The human DNA was infected by the DNA of those entities that was not compatible thus creating giant type humanoids and human deformities. Beyond that, they took on the roll of God’s to the ignorant humans and enslaved and manipulated them as they pleased for their entertainment and pleasure. Upon realizing the intervention by the lower spiritually evolved undisciplined extraterrestrials, humanity’s creators had to confront and do away with them via planetary cataclysms, floods etc. Reinforcements were summoned by both sides and high tech battles, mostly aerial ensued that was witnessed by the unsuspecting humans as alluded to in the ancient texts. Obviously our forefathers succeeded in getting rid of the malevolent beings (Nefilim) as we are still evolving today with free will under the vigil watchfulness of our nurturing progenitors.
Christopher says
That is more believable than God’s word? That is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I ever read. Can you comprehend how far the nearest star besides the Sun is? Wow!!
Scordra says
Why is knowledge always seen as a sin? And why are women always unclean and defile the cleanliness of more righteous or higher powers (angels)? If God, Creator, Source, whatever name you claim made women and angels (of that I’m not positive), than aren’t they all of goodness with the free will to choose otherwise? It is as if mankind was condemned by creation itself….
whoknows says
Well who committed the first sin? Adam or Eve. It was Eve that seduces Adam into eating the fruit. Read the creation story for more details
Brenda Brown says
Hi Scordra and Whoknows.
It’s not that the knowledge that the Watchers brought that was the sin, it’s that they brought it to mankind when mankind wasn’t ready for it. Just as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was planted by God, in the Garden of Eden, and therefore, was not an ‘evil tree’, (Genesis 2: 8-9) so the knowledge of the Watchers was Heaven’s own knowledge, but revealed out of time, with angel/human mingling, and to a spiritually immature race. Neither Enoch, nor the Bible, condemns the women who were taken as wives for the Watchers, but both in fact condemn the Watchers. (II Peter 2: 4)
Yes, both angels and mankind had free wills to choose for themselves who and what they would follow, but that doesn’t automatically make every one of their choices good. For the angels to go against God’s will, and reveal knowledge that people were not ready for, was them automatically elevating their will above that of their own Creator – the One who is Truth and Righteousness personified, and defying both Him and what was True and Righteous. And having turned their back on truth and righteousness, what was going to redeem them? They had rebelled against God, the ultimate of all goodness and life, and therefore chose the absence of goodness and life – which is evil and spiritual death/hell.
And while it’s true Eve did act on her desire to sin first, please observe that God did not pronounce judgement on Eve alone – or blame her as if she was the cause of all the trouble. The serpent’s acts brought a curse on it, as did Eve’s, and judgment was also meted out to Adam for deciding to eat the fruit from the tree he knew God had told him not to. He was not ‘seduced’ into sinning, he chose to sin, knowing God had told him not to eat of the fruit of that particular tree. At no time in the informing of them of the judgement that they had brought on themselves, did God ever attribute all the sin to Eve, or Adam’s part of it, to Eve. Each one paid for their own choices.
brenda says
I agree with Brenda Brown. I agree to all she has stated.
None truly know says
I believe that Eve,s punishment for her not following the command was harder child birth and to crave her husbands approval/acknowledgments/ time. For Adam’s punishment, he would crave to support his wife and children. Therefore, men always working or falling apart mentally cause they can’t do it good enough and woman always craving approval from a man, yet man always gone working or falling apart. Vicious circle of never being happy by both sexes. Seems only righteousness on both parties will find some kind of peace, then we die.
brenda says
It seem’s that the stronger being ” Man ” Blames women, who if we really look THE MAN are taken with Beauty. Even the Son’s of God Saw the daughter’s of men–” seen their beauty.” Even man-kind – mature men as well look upon the young BEAUTY –ones which are Most Beautiful–. Intelligent men —I personally as a young lady went to meet the Head of the Local Schools, the Master was late, the Principal was not. The highest up crawled into the room, on his hands and knees in front of the Young lady in her 20’s. Which I know is true because the young lady was myself.
Not all grown mature men, I can say many–do become silly, as young boys. Dr’s. professionals will seek the most beautiful most
of the time. I do not wish to get away from the subject, we know if we do look at what is old and on Earth Higher Beings have walked these lands. U.F.O.’s it tells us in the BIBLE enough if one reads, it also states we shall know all in the end, not all is told to us, why only those who made us know all. The end as we all know shall come, just as all over this earth as signs of intelligent beings living or visiting. Don’t Blame Women, it is much to do with man, as well as the Son’s who came to take the daughters as Wives. Much of the Bible has been left out, as some do see. I just agree don’t blame it upon women for everything, One we can not help how we look, how our bodies are. No more than a man. The thing we seem to be able to control, would be our sexual action. Most, not all. I do not have the answers, it all is interesting to those of us who have studied and continue to study. I do believe we shall know someday.
The works of The Hidden Texts of Nostradamus are composed of a bit over ten thousand lines. These are the hidden texts of the quatrains converted.
Of the ten thousand lines 41% are in relation to the Anunnaki-Eridu-Sirius leagues.
Nostradamus seems to have considered the return of the Anu/Oannes triad imminent for us here in the 21st century.
So imminent as to refer to Easter – either in 2012 or 2013.
The warnings are many regarding their agendas
1) They are cannibals – they are coming for the ‘harvest’
2) They need gold because they make their sun panels from nano arsenic/gold. These panels look like a beehive and contain their atmosphere
3) They live on artificial planetoids which are mobile
4) They can shape-shift
5) Masters of holographic deception
6) Involved in the ‘rapture’. They ARE NOT involved in the ‘ascension’
7) Nostradamus also calls them ‘metricians’ and ‘numerators’. Almost as if they have highly efficient Asperger’s Syndrome. Easter and Christmas are two seasons they feel comfortable using as ‘time markers’ for “miraculous” events
j.a says
True thats why the roman catholic and nibiru made their calenders and did not include these scripts in the bible just the same as essenses where not included enoch was from a high galactic dimension so was the christ figure the true brother hood are still around this planet.
Hiram Wenner says
Great explanation. I really like to see clearly Martha