
The morning after feeling complete (but understanding its continual) on the whole chimbonic check process now 5 days later I get, oh yeah you were supposed to check the times you wake up in the morning. Each time seems to round off at the 15 min marks so that is how I’ll start. 800 = 8:00 am and so on. I haven’t done the process yet other than I am on 800 right now. So I am going to go through it and when all done you’ll see what I get out of it. So far this process has wrapped up 30 years of my spiritual lessons into an organized way, I as a man could never have come up with other than by paying attention spiritually to every last step being revealed to us in this process. There has been so much I have learned in this time that I was missing even a starting point as to how to share any of it with anyone else. The chimbonic process has changed all of that within me now. In a way so vividly clear in the way I get it. I can now use the process to help explain what I am being shown while it reveals the truths to others as well.

800 (asumphónos) dissonant, discordant; met: at variance. not agreeing in sound, dissonant, inharmonious, at variance:

Right away I can see the relation to chimbonic check and the effect and result of the effect on some  (probably most) people. The negative aspect. But from that word we get Alpha (which pertains) and 4859 (sumphónos) harmonious, agreeing with, which is the exact opposite and desired result we are looking for in the chimbonic check.

4859 sýmphōnos (from 4862 /sýn, “closely identify with” and 5456 /phōnḗ, “voice,” which is the root of the English term, “symphony“) – properly, be of one voice (voice the same opinion); bilateral agreement between marriage-partners to temporarily abstain from sexual relations.

Right here I’d point out that the “abstaining from sexual relations” I am not trying to insinuate anything but the way I get what it says is that it might be part of a persons distraction in life and possibly a test (hurdle) that they need to get past to truly start the chimbonic process. Basically not telling us to abstain but to think about how it could be disruptive to and on the front burner in an individuals life over seeking GOD where the harmony begins.

Now the next word led to is, 4862 (sun) this word eventually ends up being GODS LIGHT and understanding it fully. I know that much from one of my very first chimbonic processes I was shown. So the goal is to get in harmony or become one with this side of the process through recognition (identifying), not the discord side.

now 5456 (phóné) is the next word. a sound, noise, voice, language, dialect. Probably akin to phaino through the idea of disclosure; a tone (articulate, bestial or artificial); by implication, an address (for any purpose), saying or language — noise, sound, voice.

Right away I see the connection to everything in the chimbonic process and even the Spiritual Quest Through Music, To Christ’s Understanding that was revealed to me in the chimbonic process years ago before I knew what it was called. Its every aspect of our life wrapped up into a complete awareness and understanding it through the chimbonic check. So now I am disclosing it to anyone.

When you think about the spelling of phóné its spelled just like our phone but they pronounce it different. But what does a phone do but let us talk back and forth to each other from a distance without seeing each other. Same concept is in the music and the Spiritual Quest. Think of it like GOD calling us on the phone.

I call you on the phone
But never get a rise
So sit there all alone
It’s time you realize

I’m not your fool

This represents GOD calling us through the music and we’re just not listening.

You take your road I’ll take mine,
The paths have both been beaten
Searchin’ for a change of pace
Life needs to be sweetened

I scream my heart out just to make a dime
And with that dime I bought your love
But now I’ve changed my mind

This represents our reply back to GOD. The scream generated the small portion (a glimpse of what GOD has to offer) of GODS riches (even though only a dime) is still more that the riches of the world but then we turn away from that LOVE and go back to what the world has to offer. You can relate to how heart felt that scream is in the song by the way he sings it. Then it reverts back to GODS side of the conversation.

I’m not your fool
Nobody’s fool
Nobody’s fool
I’m no fool
Nobody’s fool
Nobody’s fool
Never again no no

Kinda goes along with the “you found Jesus in jail and thats where you left him” concept. Or when we are down at our lowest point then that silent scream is all you have and he lifts you through that time but we forget all about it.

815 (ateknos) childless

which leads to:

5043 (teknon) 5043 téknon – properly, a child; (figuratively) anyone living in full dependence on the heavenly Father, i.e. fully (willingly) relying upon the Lord in glad submission. This prompts God to transform them into His likeness. 5043 /téknon (“a child living in willing dependence“) illustrates how we must all live in utter dependence upon the Lord (moment-by-moment), drawing guidance (care, nurture) from our heavenly Father. 5043 (téknon) emphasizes the childlike (not childish) attitude of heart that willingly (gladly) submits to the Father’s plan. We profoundly learn this as we are receptive to Christ speaking His rhēma-word within to impart faith

Right away what I am seeing is how this depicts us as man and soul. Many are walking disconnected from their soul. Once they finally make recognition of GODS LIGHT, they are like a newborn child (soul). That newborn needs nourishing, nurturing and proper upbringing which can only be done by our FATHER and our newborn/growing child (soul) paying attention. We are childless (disconnected from of spirit/soul) until we give recognition to our FATHER. The chimbonic check process will make the connection for those who want it to. If you’ve been paying attention through many of these processes you will make the connection with things already written (on this site) about prior.

5088 (tiktó) I bear, bring forth, produce, beget, yield.

This is the result of the chimbonic process and the effect it has on our soul/child that GOD is raising in the process through his divine persuasion.

5098 (timória) punishment, penalty.

The penalty to any of us (the Bible talks about) that by free will choose wrongly or willfully disregard what is being generated by GOD and continue to choose what we generate as man. The chimbonic check process lets us see/recognize the difference.

5097 (timóreó) I punish, avenge myself on. 5097 timōréō (from 5092 /timḗ, “perceived worth” and ouros, “a guardian”) – to act as guardian with the authority to also mete out punishment (literally, assign due retribution) – as it seems best in the eyes of the punisher. See also the root, 5092 /timḗ (“perceived value”).

5092 (timé) a price, honor. 5092 timḗ (from tiō, “accord honor, pay respect”) – properly, perceived value; worth (literally, “price”) especially as perceived honor – i.e. what has value in the eyes of the beholder; (figuratively) the value (weight, honor) willingly assigned to something.

Now what it leads me to recognize is awesome. The word time connects or reflects to (1) how much time I have into this as an example of how much time we all should be dedicated to our FATHER. Not saying anyone needs to be as devoted as I am but at least devote a portion or your time so your invisible scale don’t show up empty on GODS SIDE. (2) It also points to these numbers we are working on came off the concept/recognition of the numbers on the clock that started this process in the first place. (3) Also I have mentioned through out how we need to give (even a little of our time) back to GOD in the way of at least trying to truly seek him and what he has for your soul. So to me this confirms this entire path so far to be valid. The last thing I must mention is the harvest. The question now becomes, are we running out of time? Don’t you think that if the only payment/price GOD cared about from you was a little of your time and honor in this action generates interaction between you and GOD (BRIDGING A GAP). Don’t you think we owe this to him at the very least?

Tesla sings

So you think that it’s
over Say your love has
finally reached the
Anytime you call Night
or day I’ll be right
there for you
If you need a friend Yeah
It’s gonna take a little time
Time is sure to mend
your broken heart
Don’t you even worry
Pretty darlin’
I know you’ll find love again

As you can see in this song the words “call” and “time” and look at what is being talked about. I am not sure how they came to writing this song but at first glance appears to be him talking to a girlfriend he is breaking up with (possibly). What I see is a conversation between GOD AND MY SOUL which carry’s way more value than the other aspect. But at the same time it could be the other aspect they sung about that generated the silent scream needed to trigger what the soul had been missing all long. To find out that the LOVE that finds its way is GOD or GODS BREATH. Representing a completeness within once recognized. More of the chimbonic process.

5099 ( tinó) I pay (penalty) 5099 tínō (a primitive root, NAS dictionary) – to be punished, having to pay the penal fine attached to the crime.

To me what I see is pertaining to Jesus/Yeshua who paid the price for our sins on the cross. But if we don’t call on him to save our souls from these sins (and that don’t take much time) then there is a penalty for us to pay. The sins he came to save us from start back at the tree of knowledge and we are all guilty and engulfed in it whether we think so or not. If we continue to let the deception of this knowledge control who we are by trickery and convincing us there is no such sin or deception or GOD or what ever the deceptive thought is. That penalty is eternal as well. When all along such a simple thank you to our FATHER for his son would mean so much and takes how much time whether you believe or not. Maybe, just maybe that simple thank you will start a cause and effect that generates exactly what it is in you that is needed to start the chimbonic check process.

2309 /thélō (“to desire, wish”) is commonly used of the Lord extending His “best-offer” to the believer – wanting (desiring) to birth His persuasion (faith) in them which also empowers, manifests His presence etc. See 2307 (thelēma).

[Note the close connection between faith (4102 /pístis, “God’s inbirthed persuasion“) and this root (thel-, 2307 /thélēma);

We are only two numbers (800 and 815) in so far and I can see exactly how all of this corresponds in this chimbonic check process. These numbers are directly tied to the morning I was woke up out of my sleep by the words chimbonic check. All part of being generated by GOD and recognized by the soul in a man.

One of the things I am making recognition with or reflecting back on this site as the process was already unfolding to me. There are words that I was taken to all along the whole process before I even knew about the chimbonic check. Like a building up to the complete recognition of the chimbonic check process as it unfolded. By way of words like sacred, mysterious, reveal, pistis, psuche and many more that all pertain to the desired outcome that takes place in a sacred, mysterious and unexplainable (GODS divine persuasion) way. The way I was led to these words in the first place was all generated by GOD. It is all just a recognition (through his LIGHT) on my part to what is being revealed.

If I were to try to give an equivalent in time comparisons to GODS time to ours, My 30 years experience/lesson would have to equal GODS 30 minutes. Just to give an idea of another gap that needs bridged by the chimbonic check process. This can also show that if we are having an issue trying to understand GODS PURPOSE for each of us through the years of a mans upbringing and knowledge (of a tree). Even the highest amount of that knowledge gained is no comparison to GODS. That knowledge has all been gained with a different intent, that intent belongs to deception. To keep us preoccupied in the ways of the world that have been structured for a different purpose. Seems to me that this structure man had designed (based on a deceiver that deceived them) just leads us further away from GOD/FATHER one step at a time. It complicates the whole idea of GOD into a chaotic confused mess because the darkness comprehends not the LIGHT of our FATHER.

830 (authairetos) of one’s own accord, self-chosen.

830 authaíretos (an adjective, derived from 846 /autós, “self” and 138 /hairéomai, “make a personal choice”) – properly, act voluntarily (by free choice); literally describing a person’s decision as originating from their own self, i.e. not required to choose a particular way.

138 (haireó) I choose, prefer.

142 (airó) I raise, lift up, take away, remove.

142 would be the direct result of your free will choosing voluntarily. The cause and the effect of your choice and GOD raising the veil and then raising you the child/soul, lifting up the veil or your consciousness, taking away the deception (veil) or removing it all pertain to some degree.

Already seeing how this connects to what was mentioned earlier with the number 5092 (on an individual level). I wrote a little about it above between 5098 and 5097. Also above between 5099 and 2399 in what I wrote the word will (with a link) is in there which pertains exactly to this 830 number. Can’t get more accurate than this process just revealed again because it is all being generated by GOD. The whole purpose for me taking these notes as a student and sharing the process as it unfolds to me in hopes a reader/soul will heed what is unfolding to them as well. The 846 word (autos) he, she, it, they, them, same covers all of us, not just me just like you’ve been seeing me refer to as I write this as a student following GODS PERSUASION through the chimbonic check process.

What is awesome when you think about it, the total amount of numbers so far given to me to run through the process with you. That number has to be around 30 (just guessing) maybe more. The point is, look at the wealth of information now supplied in the chimbonic process. Even if the numbers I have been given to do the process were around 100, this information way beyond surpasses that number. The numbers I am referring to are the first 3 I was lead to 593/890/001 the day I was woke up with the words chimbonic check. There are many more number generated from the first 3 I was given but the actual numbers that took me through the process to this point I am going to guess is 30 recognized numbers that lead to a multitude more that produced a wealth of information so far that seems to be completely on track and in sync.

I hope you have been clicking the links along the way, all the definitions are much more full when you do and they explain the process in much more depth. You may find that in many instances these numbers are always referring back to many numbers we have already gone over, this reflects their importance and is trying to get you to recognize the importance of the entire Chimbonic Check process.

Remember this whole process up to this point is only working off of 3 numbers so far. 800, 815 and 830 all arrived at by recognition that they were going to be of importance and fully pertain to the entire chimbonic check. This recognition of what is being generated by GOD becomes like the air we breathe. To me it is breathing in GODS BREATH/LIFE consciously as you are in one accord.

Woke up this morning 5-27-17 with this set of words, followed by some explanation. He walked to the sky. This was sang to me really cool like then I instantly woke up. It was 8:00. Then this explanation. I have been taking steps my whole life. Some alertly and some that come to me later making the connection as to why it happened. Spiritual Quest Through Music, To Christ’s Understanding just came to me back in 2003 out of no where then (is how I perceived it) and how perfectly fitting it was to what GOD had set me on. I have always recognized GODS workings but through the eyes of a soul of the growing child/soul. I realized every thing he does is for a reason and has a perfect purpose. But now, Everything is becoming very clear. All parts of the event/process as it unfolds to me are being recognized in a more complete fashion. The Spiritual Quest has me in search of absolute TRUTH to achieve the consciousness Christ shared with us when he was here. Christ’s Understanding = Christ’s consciousness = GODS BREATH OF LIFE. So step by step I have been bridging the gap until I arrive complete. What I have arrived at as of now is not only this consciousness but a treasure that had this gem in it. Chimbonic check! A process I completely understand that makes more sense to me than anything the world has ever had to offer. The sky I walked to is GODS, his BREATH OF CONSCIOUSNESS I NOW BREATHE. Another sense chimbonic check can be used in here is, I am at a check point spiritually. The view from here is what you are watching unfold as I take my notes and share them with you.

845 (autoptés) an eye-witness.

Anyone who has kept up to this point is an eye-witness to a process unfolding in the chimbonic check process. What this gem has to offer for all of us. Right away you can see it has a tie to autos above. We already have that word above in 846.

3700 (optanomai) I appear, am seen (by), let myself be seen (by). Cognate: 3700 optánomai (or optomai/optanō, likely a later cognate of 3708 /horáō) – become seen (appear). See 3708 (horaō).

This is pretty intense when you think about it as GOD saying this to us, esp. knowing this whole chimbonic check process we are on and the way we are even arriving at the words. We are eye-witnessing him revealing him self through this whole chimbonic check process, is the best way to put it.

appear, look, see

A (middle voice) prolonged form of the primary (middle voice) optomai (op’-tom-ahee); which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternate of horao; to gaze (i.e. With wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from blepo, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from eido, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while theaomai, and still more emphatically its intensive theoreo, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and skopeo a watching from a distance) — appear, look, see, shew self.

see GREEK horao

see GREEK blepo

see GREEK eido

see GREEK theaomai

see GREEK theoreo

see GREEK skopeo

There are a lot of words just generated that I recognize from the last month that is going to be a deep process and already going to reconnect us to words I have been taken to way before the chimbonic check post and some even during. I know we have already been taken to the word “reveal” and at first glance of these words I think it will reappear in the theaomai, theoreo. So lets see if I am off the mark or on the mark by checking now.

2300 (theaomai) I see, behold, contemplate, look upon, view; I see, visit. 2300 theáomai (from tháomai, “to gaze at a spectacle”) – properly, gaze on (contemplate) as a spectator; to observe intently, especially to interpret something (grasp its significance); to see (concentrate on) so as to significantly impact (influence) the viewer.

2302 (theotron) a theatre, a semi-circular stone building, generally open to the sky, (b) a spectacle, show.

Right away I make connection to the “generally open to the sky” words. Due to being woke up this morning by a singing “he walked to the sky”.

2302 (theotron) a theatre, spectacle. Cognate: 2302 théatron (the root of the English term, “theatre”) – a theatre; a place for public exhibition; (figuratively) the public display of putting someoneon exhibit” to be mocked at as a spectacle.

What I see so far is very close and probably still on track with revealing. What I see being revealed here is related to the chimbonic check in this way. If this ever goes on the stage of the world into the eyes of man, many will mock it just as Jesus/Yeshua was mocked. I realize exactly what is being said here and how it affects those not ready to comprehend as well as those ready. The way some may try to portray this just might end up in an unjust way. This reflects their decision, choice, rebellion (all an action), which is all going to be seen and JUDGED by GOD.

3708 horáō – properly, see, often with metaphorical meaning: “to see with the mind” (i.e. spiritually see), i.e. perceive (with inward spiritual perception).

Still seems to do with revealing deeply! Kinda like you are seeing as this whole chimbonic check process unfolds.

[The aorist form (eidon), is discussed at 1492 /eídō, “see.” The future tense, and middle-passive form, are discussed under 3700 /optánomai, “see.”]

1492 () I know, remember, appreciate.

1492 eídō (oida) – properly, to see with physical eyes (cf. Ro 1:11), as it naturally bridges to the metaphorical sense: perceiving (“mentally seeing“). This is akin to the expressions: “I see what You mean”; “I see what you are saying.”

1492 /eídō (“seeing that becomes knowing“) then is a gateway to grasp spiritual truth (reality) from a physical plane. 1492 (eídō) then is physical seeing (sight) which should be the constant bridge to mental and spiritual seeing (comprehension).

This is another word I was taken to in prior writings. Look at how it uses the word bridge the same way bridging the gap between heaven and earth in the chimbonic check.There is very much depth in this word that still pertains to revealing.

991 blépō – properly, to see, be observant (watchful). 991 (blépō) suggests “to see something physical, with spiritual results (perception).” That is, it carries what is seen into the non-physical (immaterial) realm so a person can take the needed action (respond, beware, be alert).

Still more spiritual depth being revealed.

4648 (skopeó) I look at, regard attentively, take heed, beware, consider.

4649 (skopos) a watcher; a goal, a mark aimed at. 4649 skopós (the root of the English term, “scope,” like the zoom-scope on a rifle to hit the target) – properly, the “end-marker” of a foot-race; (figuratively) the final objective (destination) in the faith-life, i.e. the unique glorification the Lord awards to each believer at His return (cf. Phil 3:11,14). 4649 /skopós (“end-marker”).

From skeptomai (to peer about (“skeptic”); perhaps akin to skapto through the idea of concealment; compare skepasma); a watch (sentry or scout), i.e. (by implication) a goal — mark.

Now this is pretty cool, remember up above I mentioned lets see if I am off the mark or on the mark. FATHER knows I had not been through any of this process yet. I am typing it all in the order it is being revealed to me. As you can see the word has skeptic in it, which much of this process is going to reveal a skeptic as well. It also ties back to eye-witness we seen earlier which started this portion at the 845 mark. Remember 800,815,830 now we’re on 845. The fact that this points to words I mention like mark (above) earlier today and also scout, a few days ago as the chimbonic check post was being written. This is another proof to me of GODS DIVINE PERSUASION PRODUCING HIS INTERVENTION (on paper so to speak) with end result being our recognition.

What it all seems to point at to me is all the necessary tools needed on our part as a man/soul so that GODS BREATH LIGHT LIFE can be revealed to us by our own free will choice and interaction/participation. So I just looked back and found why I thought the 2 words I earlier mention were connected to reveal. Leading into those 2 words was this:

601 (apokaluptó) I uncover, bring to light, reveal

601 apokalýptō (from 575 /apó, “away from” and 2572 /kalýptō, “to cover”) – properly, uncover, revealing what is hidden (veiled, obstructed), especially its inner make-up; (figuratively) to make plain (manifest), particularly what is immaterial (invisible).

We need to pickup the phone if we want to get the message that is trying to be relayed to us through this process. All of this process is part of my own personal experience generated by GOD/FATHER in a way I can share with you to help you have or recognize your own. Your experience will be tied to this and very closely related depending on how much personal effort and time (put into the chimbonic check process for your soul/child to grow) that you spend. The more of the message you are willing to recognize in the phone conversation, the more enlightened you will end up. The power of recognition is awesome in this process. Many ties in your life will start to become complete or fulfilled as all the recognitions fall into place creating the bridge that bridges the gap through the chimbonic check process.

4629 (skepasma) clothing, a covering, raiment.

From a derivative of skepas (a covering; perhaps akin to the base of skopos through the idea of noticeableness); clothing — raiment.

This is the last word of 845 that we came to. It reflects to me the deception we have been clothed in at the tree of knowledge. We are born into the scopos of deception and also to see this life through its perception (which is a false perception) of what GODS INTENTIONS are. It reflects the reason for the entire chimbonic check process, to eliminate that deception or undress out of it and everything of the physical and redress into the LIGHT,TRUTH and LIFE of GOD. The spiritual transition and end result of bridging the gaps through the chimbonic process. If you remember the story at the tree of knowledge, they realized they were naked. To me this represents the nakedness their new perception/clothing left them in from the perfectly clothed perception they witnessed fall away by their choice/mistake. That same curiosity is the very tool needed (to initiate the process back to GODS LIGHT) by each of us so we can start re-clothing our soul into GODS Pureness. Adam and Eve were the eye witnesses/watchers in the beginning that watch it all change. We are the eye-witnesses/watchers now that need to watch it all change back through our chimbonic process that we have not made recognition of and is now time to recognize it unfolding for us to bridge the gap between LIFE AND death, tree of knowledge and TREE OF LIFE, the skin and the SOUL.

900 the final number.

G900 (bathunó) I deepen, excavate. expresses the continuation of the work (he dug and deepened i. e. went deep)

H900 (bogedoth) treacherous, treachery.

Right away I see a difference in what our choice leaves us with. One choice (to get back to GODS LIGHT) by putting in the work and digging deeper and the other choice to remain deceived by the treacherous ways of the world and all of its deceit. Earlier it was mentioned about the invisible scale and how much work we put into the world vs. How much towards GOD and spiritual riches. Most scales on an individual level will be tipped to all that has been worked for of this world. The side we should have been working towards might be empty for some or not much on it for others. Always leaving the scale tipped the wrong way. Part of the test of the chimbonic check bridges this gap on that scale as well. Also representing the clothing we choose to wear.

H898 (bagad) deal deceitfully, treacherously, unfaithfully, offend, transgressor, depart

A primitive root; to cover (with a garment); figuratively, to act covertly; by implication, to pillage — deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend, transgress(-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man), unfaithful(-ly, man), X very

Now as you can see that it seems very fitting to the explanation I gave above without ever seeing this would end up here. My explanation came off the last word of 845 and that was 4629 (skepasma). You should be able to see on your own what we are dealing with. One side wants to keep things covered up, the other side wants to reveal. Once again that is exactly what the chimbonic check process does.

G901 (bathus) deep (lit. and met.); in the depths of the early morning, while still very early; profound.

Now what I see is a tie to what even brought us here to start had to do with the morning, even these numbers we are still using. Feeling like that’s a wrap or a completeness on this chimbonic process by coming back full circle. The word looks like bath us which is the cleansing we all need spiritually through this process and all the recognition of all facets GOD is generating for our complete recognition.

939 (basis) a step; hence: a foot. From baino (to walk, to go); a pace (“base”), i.e. (by implication) the foot — foot.

And just like that its a wrap! WOW! This last word was the exact thing I woke up to this morning singing “HE WALKED TO THE SKY”. I wrote about that this morning up above 845 eye-witness.

For me this is all absolute confirmation that this was all GODS DIVINE PERSUASION being recognized the whole way through in a thorough and complete way that I as a man could have never pulled off by just trying to trick people into believing. The world is full of enough treachery and deceit, we all need GODS TRUTH and that is all I seek.

If you made it this far welcome!

If you noticed some things I may have not pointed out or missed, please let me know.






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