chimbonic definition

Chimbonic is a word that actually takes human involvement/interaction and creates recognition of pistis bridging the gap between your soul and GOD.



  • To bridge the gap between languages. Give a more complete mental picture to the minds eye of truths that the english language alone leaves the mind wanton. In a metaphoric sense “the messenger that delivers the truth to its fullest degree or value” bridging the gap between heaven and earth as well as language barriers within the minds eye (soul) through our efforts. A cause and effect process delivering desired results through pistis.”english language Bibles are missing the chimbonic check” bridging the gap between pistis and sin– “Full explanation and process for chimbonic can be viewed @ Spiritual Quest Through Music“, Ben deGrise, May 20, 2017
  • Chimbonic- In a literal sense is: to use a systematically designed process that has been generated by GOD through recognition of the entire process. By taking numbers that are intuitively or instinctively recognized by a student or teacher (in the chimbonic check process) and connecting those numbers to the numbers of Hebrew and Greek words. This process will generate a connection to your soul that has been being unrecognized (spiritually) all along. As the process unfolds to you through your involvement and recognition you will witness the gaps being bridged from all angles of your life.

    The chimbonic check creates a chimbonic effect.

    The chimbonic check is a process that creates a desired end result spiritually.

    Chimbonic check is every portion or action of the process it took to get you to a new spiritual level by inner tests and put it all together for the end result or effect produced.

    The chimbonic process produces a higher state of consciousness.

    Another way of recognizing the chimbonic check is as bridging the gap between heaven and earth, LIFE and death. (The death of Adam and Eve the day their consciousness was altered at the tree of knowledge).

Chimbonic process creates a completeness for every spiritual lesson involved, resulting in a higher state of consciousness continually.

*update 2-19-18

Found that chi is the 22nd letter in Greek alphabet and symbolically means Christ! In short it is the X in Xmas. Now the next letter “m” in the english language is the 13th letter which just so happens to be the exact middle of the 26 letters of the english language. M is also a separating point in the word chimbonic which would represent a bridge between the two words chi and bonic, where bonic has a meaning of pretty or nice.

Back in the year 2000 I found out that “nice” also means ignorant, not knowing, which is tied to the exact purpose, meaning and reason for the word “chimbonic” of bridging the gap between languages that helps us bridge the gap between our own understanding and Christ’s Understanding.

It is also no coincidence that the word chi also has to do with energy like here: The vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be inherent in all things. Christ is the way, the truth and the life and he (or his consciousness,understanding) is the LIFE force we gain when we bridge the gaps.

One last thing to be recognized (as no coincidence) is the “M” in Roman numeral = 1000. This can be very significant in many ways. One right off the bat is the fact that it generates the number 1000, which in Greek that number is bolé. Meaning, a casting, throw; in acc: as measure of distance. This meaning seems to tie right back to the statement above regarding the “m” and bridging the gap. When you build a bridge, there is always a distance to be covered to get from one side to the other.

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