
2315 (theopneustos) God-breathed, inspired by God, due to the inspiration of God.

2315 theópneustos (from 2316 /theós, “God” and 4154 /pnéō, “breathe out”) – properly, God-breathed, referring to the divine inspiration (inbreathing) of Scripture (used only in 2 Tim 3:16).

2315 /theópneustos (“God-breathed”), likely a term coined by Paul, “expresses the sacred nature of the Scriptures (their divine origin) and their power to sanctify believers” (C. Spicq, 2, 193).

[Inbreathing (2315 /theópneustos) relates directly to God’s Spirit (Gk pneuma) which can also be translated “breath.”]

2 Tim 3:16: “Each-and-every (3956 /pás, singular) Scripture (Gk, singular) is God-breathed (2315 /theópneustos) and profitable for teaching, for convincing, for correction, for training in righteousness.”

The singular (anarthrous) use of 3956 /pás (“all”) underlines that each part of speech (every inflected word-form, “reflex”) used in the Bible is God-breathed, i.e. inscripturated (written) under divine inspiration.

[G. Archer, “2315 (theópneustos) is better rendered ‘breathed out by God’ as the emphasis is upon the divine origin of the inscripturated revelation itself